P.C. - Thanks for the Link to this Forum

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Re: P.C. - Thanks for the Link to this Forum

Post by Donovan »

D.A. Wright wrote: Mon Apr 22, 2024 6:09 pm You can't. I shut it down in 2012.
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Re: P.C. - Thanks for the Link to this Forum

Post by desert4wd »

LOL David W. The evil grin doesn't bother me, but those needles offer a good visual to think about.

TronaOsis? I would imagine working there (probably impossible), but it would seem like a place that would do something negative to anyone that hung around for a while. I hope what you got is isn't too difficult to handle. I still visualize Delamar and what went down there.
Growing old ain't for sissies. I've heard and hear that from time to time. It's never been a complaint but instead, good, sage advice.

I've had a little fun with my weight, over time. About five years ago, I got type 2 diabetes, which didn't hound me until I got some neuropathy in the feet/ankles. It was a good thing in a sense because I read up on the "carbs"- straight up sugar and the complex carbs, and got those down so my blood sugar was around 80-110 almost all the time and did good loosing weight. Funny thing, it is around the same as in the 90's as well. Exercise is a stationary bike 30-60min daily (I like it actually because I got the PHONE to distract me- hahahaha.)

Enough yard to keep me busy for a long time plus other "real work" to keep me busy as much as I want to be. I should get on my porch more often but I suppose I would think about it more if it were dry :deadhorse: lol. Soon, I hope. The temp is coming up a bit so that's a good sign .
We got some nice sunsets here, but I would rather see them in the Great Basin, any where.
Cheers! :fire:
B-Spec wrote:I don't do trails to prove anything.. I do them because I enjoy it. I could care less about proving anything to anyone..
Not much to offer these days since I'm cleaning out the flickr (photo site) because of high pricing.
Older Fling and Haul stuff (up to about 2008): http://www.pv.desert4wd.com/
Maybe a few things here still but I haven't updated for a couple years.: http://www.desert4wd.com/
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